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LBS Country Club VIP Members

THE LBS COUNTRY CLUB VIP MEMBERS is the OFFICIAL FANCLUB for the LBS Music Group featuring immediate news as it happens from the artists and the label and associated companies.
If you are a fan of Australian Country Music, this club is one that you will enjoy.  You will be informed and treated as a VALUED MEMBER of the LBS Family and have private contact with LBS Artists and management.
Members also enjoy priority discount ticketing for Tamworth Country Music Festival Events run by The LBS Music Group.

Shaza Leigh YouTube Channel

This channel features OFFICIAL SONG CLIPS, personal interviews of artists selected for THE SHAZA LEIGH SHOW and LBS Artists singles recorded at Lindsay Butler Studios, filmed BEHIND THE SCENES in LBS Studio2 at LBS MusicLand, Tamworth, NSW.

LBS Music YouTube Channel

This AUDIO music Channel features hit singles released by many of the most successful Australian traditional country music recording artists.
All tracks were recorded in Lindsay Butler Studios since opening in 1990.
The songs were all released on the LBS Music label and produced by one of Australia's greatest country music producers, Lindsay Butler OAM plus  co-produced tracks written by partner, Shaza Leigh Butler OWB .

Bahloo YouTube Channel

This specialist WELLNESS Channel features relaxation tracks, guided meditations and relaxing music tracks. All music selected is to enhance the spirit for the attainment of a quality life.
Managing Partner, Shaza Leigh Butler OWB proudly presents 'A Guided Life'. These interviews shine a spotlight on extraordinarily gifted personalities, willingly sharing their story to enrich the path of others.


THE LBS NEWS features all Industry and company news covering all events, recordings, album and single releases for LBS Artists.
Each edition includes personal news, submitted by each LBS Artist to give our supporters more personal information from all their favourite artists.
The Editor, Peggy Gilchrist, compiles a special Christmas edition with beautiful wishes from all of the artists also.